Level of Pre-Intermediate
This course is made for students who have basic knowledge of English.
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
• speak with a clear pronunciation
• provide personal and abstract information
• clearly explain that you do not understand something
• understand the explanation of certain issues in a situation of misunderstanding
• express your thoughts and feelings clearly
• understand the main idea of the text
• clearly distinguish between stress, sounds and intonation
• read simple texts and understand basic ideas
• describe the situation, place or person
• formulate your attitude to subjects, problems and people
• write a postcard, an official \ unofficial letter, e-mail, request, apology or petition
• write about yourself
• clearly and grammatically harmoniously build a sentence by matching words with each other
Course duration: 96 ac. hours (1 academic hour = 45 minutes).
The main literature: New Headway (Student`s Books – textbooks, Workbooks – workbooks, Tests – intermediate and final tests, etc.)
You can register for a course now, tel. 8 0232 23-62-22, 22-18-20, e-mail: rio@ccigomel.by.
Contact person: Inna Gurskaya