UNION “CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF THE MARI EL REPUBLIC” is a non-governmental non-profit organization operating on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation”, the Charter of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Mari El Republic

Nowadays, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Mari El Republic is a platform for dialogue between business and government, bringing together more than 300 enterprises and entrepreneurs and providing an opportunity for the business community to participate in regional development programs.

Goals and objectives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Mari El Republic:

  • promoting the modernization of the economy of the republic, the widespread use of innovations, and the attraction of investments;
  • protecting the interests of business circles in government and local governments;
  • creation of an effective system of expert evaluation of draft laws and regulations in the interests of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Mari El;
  • development of relations with business circles of foreign countries, international business organizations;
  • promotion of high-quality resolution of civil disputes;
  • dissemination of the principles of civilized business and social responsibility in the business environment;
  • formation of a positive image of producers of goods and services of the republic.

There are 9 committees in the system of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic in various areas of activity and business sectors.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Mari El provides the following services:

— examination of goods and services;

— property valuation;

– exhibition, fair and congress activities;

— protection of intellectual property;

– registration of documents related to the implementation of foreign economic activity;

– evidence of force majeure circumstances;

— information service and juridical consulting.