June 11, 2024
Online meeting with the Chamber of Commerce of the Iranian province of Mazandaran

On June 11, an online meeting was held between Marina Filonova, Director General of the Gomel branch of the BelCCI, and Ali Tagipour, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Mazandaran province.

During the meeting, the leaders discussed prospects for cooperation, reached agreements on organizing a visit of business circles to Iran and a visit to Mazandaran province. Both sides expressed interest in strengthening and developing business contacts, as well as establishing cooperation in the tourism sector.

Mr. Taghipour expressed interest in organizing face-to-face and online meetings, supported the proposal for presentations of the business circles of the Gomel region and Mazandaran province, visits to the «Business Days in Gomel» organized by the Gomel branch of the BelCCI in 2024 and the International Exhibition «Spring in Gomel» in 2025.